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Udział Polski w debacie otwartej Rady Bezpieczeństwa ONZ nt. multilateralizmu i globalnego zarządzania

Fot. Ambasady GOV

18 lutego 2025 r. Polska wzięła udział w debacie otwartej Rady Bezpieczeństwa ONZ nt. multilateralizmu i globalnego zarządzania.

Tekst wystąpienia wygłoszony przez Krzysztofa Szczerskiego, Stałego Przedstawiciela RP przy NZ w Nowym Jorku, dostępny jest poniżej.

Mr. President,

I wish to start by thanking China for organizing today’s important discussion.

Poland perceives multilateralism as, first and foremost, cooperation based on trust and founded on equal and just rules as well as the belief that working together is more profitable and beneficial than the alternative. Effective multilateralism must be built on the fundamental understanding of common values based on the purposes and principles of the UN Charter.

The current international order, anchored in the rule of law, was created in response to the atrocities and devastation of the Second World War. Although international law remains the bulwark against war, tyranny and injustice, it is being constantly undermined and breached. Its supposedly sacrosanct principles, such as the prohibition of the use force or a threat of use of force, sovereignty, territorial integrity, have been in recent years flagrantly violated. These violations continue to bring instability and suffering in many parts of the world. From the perspective of our region, the most glaring example here is Russia, permanent member of this Council, which has waged a full-scale aggression against Ukraine and is constantly posing a significant threat to the order based on international law.

In order to strengthen multilateralism based on trust and the rule of law, we should, first of all, focus on ensuring accountability for all its violations. It is crucial that the aggressor bears the legal consequences of its illegal actions. International courts play a main role in holding states and individuals accountable for violations of international law, including for international crimes. Secondly, international community should stand behind the victims of international law violations. Thirdly, we see the important role of international organizations, including the UN, in strengthening international law and promoting friendly relations between states based on common values and interests.

In the context of the war initiated by Russia, we support the creation of a new special tribunal to try the crime of aggression against Ukraine as well as establishing Claims Commission for Ukraine. We also encourage all states to join the agreement on a Registry of Damage of Ukraine.

Mr. President,

The adoption and ongoing implementation of the Pact of the Future is not only a joint success but also a clear signal that we are ready to make bold progress. Poland expects that through its implementation we will be able to increase UN’s  effectiveness, also with regard to the work of the Security Council, which should play a special role in achieving peace and alleviating world crises.

For a longer while now, we have been witnessing one of the Security Council’s permanent members – Russia – violating the Charter and abusing its veto power, which paralyzes the Council. This only confirms that a comprehensive reform is indispensable. The Council should prove its ability to adapt to the world's political dynamics. First of all, this objective could be achieved by responsible use of the Council's prerogatives - like veto power. Secondly, the Council should reflect the current geopolitical stakeholders. Thirdly, its working methods should be further adjusted to promote more equitable participation of all Council members.

Mr. President,

There is no peace without sustainable development and international solidarity. Poland advocates for a holistic approach to development, humanitarian aid and peacebuilding. We emphasize the importance of linking these three dimensions and inviting a wide range of stakeholders to participate. We underline the importance of supporting democracy, rule of law and good governance, including transparent regulations, reliable electoral processes, and also building resilience with whole-of government and whole-of-society approaches to respond to crises in a coordinated manner.

Sustainable economic and social development in the long term require strong and transparent public institutions. They are indispensable to build resilience in all dimensions, in particular by creating an appropriate legal framework and the proper business environment in order to attract private capital to finance investments and development needs. Using a variety of financial instruments to support partner countries in building strong institutions and ensuring good governance is crucial.

Mr. President,

Approaching the 80th anniversary of the creation of the UN, we all understand that no matter how hard we try, some threats will never be fully countered. Nevertheless, what we find concerning in this context is that some states are not trying to merely challenge the established order, but they are seeking to overturn it completely. Their goal is to restore the concert of powers. To reinstate spheres of influence. To bring back subjugation and dependence. To revive old empires. My country, like many others, for centuries suffered as a victim of such aspirations.

In January of this year, Poland hosted the commemoration of the 80th anniversary of the liberation of the German Nazi concentration camp of Auschwitz. Such tragic occasions remind us all what preceded the current international order. Let us never forget what the bleak alternative is.

Thank you for your attention.

Ambasady GOV Redaktor

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